2023 Community Farm Membership Card
For 2023 we are changing our farm membership offer. Below are the details of our new system going forward for the 2023 season. We are excited to streamline our membership and include the Pizza Club, Dinner Club, Spring Garden Plant Sales, Natural Meats as well as a Potluck Pizza Party and Farm Tour.
We are excited to continue expanding our gourmet pantry items. We could not be doing all this work with out you but we are growing and some changes are needed. Your support is appreciated and adds to the success of our farm. All house holds are different and we hope this helps serve more of Mesa County. Please read below to learn more how you can participate in the continued growth of our farm and sustaining local farms on Western Colorado.
2023 Farm Card Membership
Farm Card Membership: 100.00
*10% off all farm store purchases during the 2023 year (Valid Feb-Dec)
*10% off all Farm Events
*10% off Pizza Club Purchases
*10% off Dinner Club Events
*10% off Spring Garden Plant Sale Purchases and Early Access to The Garden Center Plant Sale May 17th
*Free Ticket to our annual Farm Member Farm Tour and Pizza Party Potluck BYOB June 16th
This membership must be re-newed annually.
You will be given a membership card to use when shopping.
Farm Cards are not intended to be shared with friends or other households one card per household. Please encourage your friends to purchase their own.
You must Pickup your Farm Card Physically at the Farm during our regular Farm Store Hours.
Purchase your farm card at the farm to avoid the internet service fees.
The 100.00 purchase price goes directly to supporting the farm, farmers, supplies and costs of running and operating the farm. It is not a credit.
If you currently have credits on your farm card we will honor them with the same rules and agreements as the past. 12 month expiration from last date of purchase. We will no longer be renewing the CSA membership cards.
Thank you for your support and interest in our farm as we continue to expand and grow we look forward to serving you the same beautiful produce and offering more opportunities for you to enjoy our farm.
Your Farmers,
Scott and Jessica Washkowiak